Posts Tagged ‘ moron ’

10 Weird Ways That People Misunderstand Your Brain

There is this post at (borrowed from  that lists some common ‘folklore’ about our brains to explain phenomenon that we all seem to experience and all of that is done without any explanation of how the brain works. There seems to be no end of folk that will offer explanations without even trying to attempt the basic explanation. Trust me when I say that trying to explain a huge Lego build without the listener knowing what Lego blocks are is going to be a failure of the four blind men and an elephant type.

Let’s just go through the ten with some commentary…


10 • Semantic Satiation – Repeating a word till it loses definition

They described this one fairly well, but did not explain it. When your brain is searching for the definition or meaning of something it uses an algorithm or three. The more you search the less there is in your head to retrieve. Your brain is only looking at the latest retrieval information. After a number of retrievals, there is nothing being returned and the simulation in your head loses context. This is because all of this work is done by your subconscious mind. Each previous retrieval is treated in the simulation as a miss… so the next retrieval is treated as a hit… but the retrieval is not cumulative. You experience the weird stuff because you are asking your subconscious to do something that does not make sense normally — keep searching because the last answer was wrong. Your brain tells you that you don’t know the answer at this point but you know that you know what the object is.. so you get the weirdness.

9 • Peripheral Theory Of Emotion – delayed or incorrect emotional reaction

This one is not even described well, using only one example. When you go out of normal environs and physically wear yourself out, you are not keeping self aware. When you wake your brain is expecting the comfort and safety of your normal sleeping place only to find that this is not so. Your subconscious mind sees a bear and initiates the flight/fight response… this kicks in and your brain catches up as it pieces together the events of the last 24 hours and the fact that there is actually a real bear looking at your nose like it’s breakfast. When consciousness kicks in, it is not immediate and can take several minutes… even in the comfort and safety of your normal abode.

8 • Earworms – Can’t get that song out of my head

This is not described very well. It is not just songs, even movie sound bites will do this among many other things. Your brain is very complex and it has working memory. In the absence of input, previous inputs will hang around. The suggested goldilocks treatment adds new inputs. Note that if you are not paying attention the ‘earworm’ won’t happen. Your brain has to be focused on the ‘earworm’ to start with and void of other inputs at the time… generally speaking. This sets up the condition where something can seem to get stuck. Music, language, and other ‘functions’ are handled by the subconscious mind… if the parts that handle them do not get busy with other stuff, that earworm is all they have going on so every time they input data to the simulation in your conscious mind it will be the same thing… gah Spice Girls

7 • Moral Dumbfounding – being unable to explain our own morality

This is where the post went right on down the garden path. There are a dozen things they should have to explain, but in a ‘top ten’ list such things never happen. I encourage you to read the post just to get this one. The simulation we run in our brains is based on rules. If we learn (indoctrination) as a child that cannibalism wrong we make that one of the rules in our simulation. If it is never challenged we cannot explain why that is a rule, only that we know it is a rule. There is no effing magic to this. When you ask someone to define their god you get some woo woo definition. Each time they are challenged they will change their definition…. but no matter how they are challenged they will continue to believe in a god even if they cannot explain why. They accepted the rule to their simulation without questioning it.They accepted it as an unquestionable truth. Incest, for example, is not ‘wrong’ … it simply increases the chances of disease because of how genetics works. With no offspring the question becomes very simple… there is nothing wrong with it outside of cultural customs. The trouble is that people accept that incest is bad without questioning why, so they can’t explain it when finally asked.

6 The GPS Effect -too much use of GPS actually makes it harder for us to create spatial maps.

This is another miss. It is not the use of GPS but the failure to use your brain to build spatial maps that is bad for you. This is like saying that toaster pastries are bad for you, so using toasters makes you fat. Many of my readers will not remember how to do 8th grade algebra… oh noes, calculators are making their brains shrink! The simple fact is that if your brain does not need a process, it will shelve it in order to use energy more effectively by only concentrating on the tools and algorithms it needs daily. Further to this, what is the definition of a healthy brain? All these folk that claim something is bad for your brain will never tell you because they do not know. The examples on this are like saying relying on your left leg is bad because when you don’t have it your brain won’t know how to function properly. That leads into prosthesis and robotics… but there is no room here for all of that discussion. If you’re not always going to have a calculator, learn math. If you’re not always going to have gps, learn to get around. There is no weird trick here.

5 Sensory Deprivation – imagined sensory input during lack of input.

The simulation in your head is running while you are conscious. Without input, noisy sensors will give some input. The rest of your brain will try to make sense of it in the simulation. Ergo, you will have a tendency to hallucinate. This is not a trick, just a simple misunderstanding of how the brain works. It is not a perfect machine that knows everything. Your subconscious mind continues to look for faces, ferret out sounds from the noise of life and so on. These processes feed data to your simulation which tries to assemble cogent components from the noise… it’s only natural that things will get muddled up.

4 Sympathetic Pain – mirror neurons

This one is interesting. Your brain runs a simulation. Seeing and understanding the activities of another get simulated in your own brain and the response is the same as if the signals had come from your own body sensors. This is nature doing double duty on the sensory input thing – you seeing someone get hurt is the same signal inputs as you getting hurt so that it works out the same in the simulation. To do otherwise would require two processes, one running your own body inputs and another feeding data to the simulation from a different point for other’s pains etc. Our brains are complex, but not that complex. When you cut your finger, ‘pain’ is not transmitted to your brain, just signals… your brain’s simulation turns those signals into ‘pain’ so when your brain feeds you identical signals to the simulation in response to someone else getting hurt, you feel the pain too… but without physical sensation.

3 False Memories – How our brains connect cause and effect

On this one they get real close. This is even accurate in as much as they get detailed. The process of linking memories to and with cause and effect allows us to piece it altogether in accordance to the rules in our brain’s simulation. Without all the details our brains will supply suggestions from subconscious that the conscious mind forces together to make what seems like a coherent story – remember back to waking up with a bear salivating over the thought of your left arm for breakfast? Your brain has to make sense of that and it takes time. If you have false inputs or are willing to accept inputs/data with very low credibility, any crazy story can seem to make sense…. and that is how we get belief in gods.

2 Sleep Drunkenness – wtf?

Clearly these people have never been drunk. It might be similar, but tired people don’t fall flat on their faces and laugh about it. We’ve covered this a bit already. The problem with losing consciousness is trying to regain it when you wake. Many people are really bad at gaining full consciousness on waking for minutes to hours. I personally find that talking is difficult when just woken up. Too much sleep just means that more of the simulation has been put to rest and has to be revived. There is chemical issues going on to remove consciousness during sleep. Too much sleep can increase the chemicals which take longer to wear off… thus causing what is described here. Still, these people have never really been drunk… tired and drunk are NOT the same thing at all.

1 Hypnagogia – oh goody, they tried this one

They go on to explain that when your brain is getting mixed signals, it can hallucinate – No shit? So all that stuff about sensory deprivation is something different? During sleep your body generates the chemicals to stop motor function and shut off sensory input… when that process is only half complete there will be weirdness… any machine will do that. Go on, corrupt a spreadsheet file and see what it displays on the screen. Duh!


And for the bonus round, our home audience might rejoice at the grammar nazi issues in this post. Here’s a beauty:

And our brains are not satisfied with their games only when we are sleeping or in that twilight state between worlds—neurologically normal people can have auditory hallucinations even when wide awake.



Ray Comfort Is A Complete Idiot… Yes, I Truly Mean That

This video is fun all the way through. I’ll point out a couple of points that is all I needed to know that Ray Comfort is indeed an idiot.

At the 8:30 mark Ray asserts he knows where existence came from and tries out the watchmaker story but with a painting.

When they talk about paintings being obviously made by a sentient intelligence… I can only think of Koko.

‘Bird’ by Koko the lowland gorilla

Meeting Koko is on my bucket list. If you think like me, it should be on yours too.

Koko enjoys playing, and acting, with various types of dolls, from human to ape to alligator. In this photo, she's kissing a life-like new orangutan doll, while a beautiful new plush alligator doll (given to her by Koko's long-time friend and supporter, Anne Bernstein)

Koko Enjoys new Ape and Alligator Dolls

Ray Comfort thinks that animals are just automatons that humans are given dominion over – to do as we wish.

At about the 10:30 mark they launch into a discussion about design and sand. Of course Ray is having none of the sensible argument. He’s certain that anything and everything in the universe is designed because he can’t fathom how to create anything in nature. At 12:05 Matt tries to explain it…

Of course, he won’t go into what is the definition of ‘nothing’ because then he’d have to know something.

It turns out that a whole lot of the sand we know was created by  weather or animals… not a creator god.

The second most common type of sand is calcium carbonate, for example aragonite, which has mostly been created, over the past half billion years, by various forms of life, like coral and shellfish. It is, for example, the primary form of sand apparent in areas where reefs have dominated the ecosystem for millions of years like the Caribbean.

Ray thinks you have to have ‘faith’ to believe evolution but his faith in a god is different. There is huge amounts of evidence for evolution yet people like Ray won’t bother to listen or investigate for themselves. They’d rather claim it wrong than give up their actual faith in a god. He’s a certified idiot. Check out time mark at about 22 minutes. Then have a look at some of the evidence in the video below. It is but one source of information with evidence for evolution.





Nostalgia Can Make You Sick….

Have  you ever wondered about those people that wish we were living back in the ‘good old days’?

Well, here’s a trip down memory lane that you will find disturbing. I take no responsibility for headaches, hysterical laughter, constipation or other health related side effects you may experience while watching this video. I do, however, recommend that you click that Like button and give that Subscribe button a whirl while you’re there


Christian ought to be on psychiatric meds, period.

Oh, sorry. Mea culpa. That’s a misquote…. Let me get you the whole thing. Apologies.

23:05: The Bible says women are supposed to be sober. “That means get off the drugs. You say, ‘Well, nobody in our church is smoking pot.’ Well, what about all the other drugs? What about all the other mind-altering drugs that you’re on for your [big quote fingers] ‘depression’? For your ‘anxiety’?… No Christian ought to be on psychiatric meds, period.”

23:59: “Don’t go to a psychiatrist. Go to get some preaching. Go to the Holy Bible, not a psychiatrist. Not the pharmaceutical industry.”

26:17: Women, be pure! You have to be virgins until marriage! Be faithful in mindand body! “That means you’re not reading romance novels and thinking about some Prince Charming. You better think about the guy that you’re married to! That’s who you ought to love, not some fictional Fabio-looking character off some book that you read…”

27:43: Women, stay at home! “This is Biblical preaching!… It’s what our country was built upon.”

29:55“Today we have women’s rights! We’ve come a long way, baby!And today, you know, [in a mocking voice] ‘Oh those horrible, horrible days when women had no rights’… Let’s bring them back! Let’s get back to those days! [Fake scream] What are you so worried about? What do you think they mean when they say ‘women’s rights’? You know what they mean? The right to divorce your husband is what they mean. You know what they mean? The right to rebel and disobey your husband. The right to divorce him. The right to go out and get a job and make your own money. The right to tell him what to do. The right to go vote for our leaders as if women should have any say in how our country is run, when the Bible says that ‘I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence’? I AM QUOTING THE BIBLE RIGHT NOW! But it’s old-fashioned.”

Maybe being critical of the Christian fundamentalists is the wrong tactic. We should let them speak more often and more widely. This shit is funny! I can see this guy in the emergency room with a handbag strap around his throat and a 4 inch stiletto embedded in his scrotum. That’s reality tv that I’d watch.

This is not a training video, but if you want to make yourself hated, you might consider it such. I don’t think I need to add anything. If you watch this video and don’t get irate you should probably have your sense of ethics examined.

Here is the whole video. This guy is getting his 15 minutes by trying his best to create as many atheists as he can.



The text I quoted above comes from a blog on this guy at The Friendly Atheist

William Lane Craig: Debunked … Again

If you have been reading along for a while you should probably already know that I think William Lane Craig is a crank. A well educated and vociferous crank, but a crank just the same. His debate tactic is that annoying kind of style where he throws out everything he can so there is no time to reply to all of it then declares his opponent offered no evidence and did not speak to all his points. He is truly annoying so it is with some manner of glee that I present this video of his argument on animal pain being taken apart with surgical skill. This is probably the only way to address his speeches, one point at a time with great pains over the details. He is a dangerous idiot because he misleads a lot of people with his rhetoric and lies.


As recommended in the comments, here is another debate with WLC where his technique is not able to overcome the failures of his arguments.


Whooop, There It Is….

Regular readers will know that I have no kind words for atheism plus, not the idea, not the name, not the people who started it.

I knew push back was coming. Here is some of it and I feel obliged to spread it around. It’s long and it will make you think a bit. I think you should listen but that is up to you. No, that’s not a coy ploy. Everyone has their own opinion and there are ‘famous’ bloggers distancing themselves from the melee recently. Atheism plus was a bad idea from the start. Look closely at those that jumped on the bandwagon.



You don’t have to like the vlogger and you don’t have to dislike atheism plus supporters to understand that what has happened was wrong from start to finish. I have no way to attest to the right or wrong of every claim in this video but I was blocked several times for saying things which were NOT aggressive or negative. From day one atheism plus went crazy creepy clownish.

Materialism Unbound

No, I’m not certain why I chose that title, but it seemed to make a good sound bite in my head at the time.

I want to dismantle a post I found at dogmaeatdogma because it attempts to define materialism as ignorant of the world and in contention with their view of the world. To simplify it, the post claims that materialism is wrong because of preconceived notions of what defines the world.

The materialist point of view is undignifying to all things sacred. To reduce things like love and joy to merely chemical reactions and nerve firings in the brain not only denies the sacredness of these things, but it denies that they even exist at all.

Let’s put some definition on that.

Undignify: : to take dignity from

Dignity: the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed


1     a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity<a tree sacred to the gods>
       b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) <a fund sacred to charity>
2     a : worthy of religious veneration : holy
       b : entitled to reverence and respect
3        : of or relating to religion : not secular or profane <sacredmusic>
So basically they are saying that a materialist view takes away the worthiness of what is considered by some to be sacred, though there is no evidence that the author can show that what they hold sacred is in fact worthy in some universal or objective way. It’s simply asserted to be true as ‘a priori‘ knowledge. To know all the constituent parts of concrete, down to the electron, proton, and quarks, does not deny the value of concrete. When we substitute in the blogger’s argument it falls apart. From this we can conclude fairly that the author is adding in bits without explanation.

Sure, the materialist will say, we can detect that one might be experiencing a thing called love by monitoring their brain activity, but this experience is not something like the soul being overcome by some mysterious and powerful force (mainly because, to the materialist, there is no soul)… it is merely the brain reacting to its own chemicals.

Ah, an opportunity to hammer on that word ‘love’. Sometimes life just hands you a ham sandwich and pickle without even having to stretch out for the brass ring. Love is something we all can say we understand yet none of us have exactly the same understanding of it. If you check a dictionary there are no less than 9 definitions for love. Love is an act, a feeling, an object and so on. We can love our children as do many other mammals, and all apes. We can love our kin just as other mammals have shown. We can love other species, shown with compassion and empathy just as other mammalian species have been shown to do. What we humans call love is not restricted only to humans. It would be fair then to say that if a human has a soul that also gives them the ability to love, so then should other higher order animals. Recently, scientists have found enough evidence to say that higher order animal species do have consciousness.

It is wise to remember that Romeo and Juliet were in love. They loved each other. Their love drove them to act. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t turn out well for them.

I think it is fair to say that love has no standard definition, rather it is a simplistic attempt to describe what we have no good label for. By good label I mean a label which clearly identifies a well defined aspect of something. We also love chocolate, steak, and many of us love a beautiful sunset. Some of us love children in a way that the most of us think is the wrong way and yet others love animals in a similarly wrong way. We love our television shows, our siblings, and many other things. There is not one kind of love, nor one state of it and so on. If a lack of good definition requires a soul then there are many activities and feelings that would require a soul yet these are easily accomplished with aplomb by many animal species. I won’t define love but I will derail any attempt to define it in just one way. The label is one that cannot be nailed down without modifiers and definition. That’s how we use it and it suits our communications to do so.

For the materialist, this reductive view of life reduces life to something lifeless, love to something loveless, and the soul to something soulless. There is nothing outside of, underneath of, inside of, or beyond matter.

This last bit is pure speculation, and relies completely on the assertion that there is more to life and existence than the materialist view. This attempt to use the undefinable as evidence that there is more to it is a logical fallacy that basically relies on the canard: If I can’t explain it there must be magic involved. Remember that concrete example? (did you like that play on words? I do). The author will not deny the value of concrete simply because they know the constituent parts but love and life and souls… they’re magic. There is more there than we can possibly know…. according to the author.

Oh, how I like this next bit. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Why yes, I do enjoy this… you don’t?

Most materialists will object to this characterisation of feeling lifeless and empty and this is due to an important fact… these so called materialist do not in fact believe what they profess. At least, thankfully, they do not live it.

The author of this post does not know me. Clearly. Well, they did say ‘most materialists’ so I suppose there is wiggle room. I do live it. Every quark of it. It harms me not one bit to know that I exist because uncounted particles of energy come together to form trillions of cells who all work together to be ‘me’ … I do not deny my own existence. This author denies science if their being is not because of, or caused by, those very particles of energy. The author uses materialistic views in the rest of their life but insists there is a magic soul to explain the parts that they cannot personally explain. This kind of thinking is god of the gaps thinking… and false, without evidence.

Anyone who has ever truly loved anyone or anything would say love was a fire in the heart before it was a firing in the brain.

Here is an assertion that if the reader does not agree with the author they have not truly loved anyone or anything. This author cannot possibly know if I  have truly loved. Clearly this was not thought through well or at best it was not written well because it makes an assertion that the author cannot back up… not ever. It also demonstrates that the author has, more or less, no clue how the brain works and what the heart actually does. Obviously they are using metaphors, but doing so to ignore what the brain does and what the heart does. The heart is to a human what a water pump is to a car. That is why people who have heart replacements with mechanical devices do not stop knowing how to love. At this point I want to use the phrase ‘fucking idiot’ but I’m not sure exactly how to work that in.

Anyone who has ever beheld someone or something precious in a silent and still moment of awe has recognised the electricity as enveloping their soul before it sparks in their skull.

Here the author acknowledges electricity. Science tells us this is an effect due to a difference in potential between electrons and protons. Very small materialistic parts that make up all the effects we collectively call electricity. So while denigrating the materialist the author shows their own materialist thinking. They describe a feeling as happening outside their ability to sense it before they can sense it. This implies that the human conscious exists without a brain.  A supposition that is without evidence and which in fact has much evidence to the contrary. If a human or animal loses parts of their brain they are not the same. This indicates that there is no soul, but that all consciousness occurs inside the brain and is wholly dependent on the interaction of energy particles to exist. That we experience is not a miracle or the result of a soul. It cannot be experienced without a functioning brain. The author does not understand how a brain can work and asserts that there must be a soul involved, that there must be magic involved. This is down without evidence. It is simply the assertion that because the author cannot explain it, there must be some magic involved.

That they were experiencing something quite outside of and beyond themselves. That, after all, is the original meaning of ecstasy, rising out of oneself.

This assertion would mean that brain dead people experience or can experience ecstasy. Do they? Where is the evidence? It also means that ecstasy can be experienced without consciousness. Where is the evidence? I’m still looking for entomology that says ‘rising out of oneself’ but it’s not too far off. This statement assumes a definition of ‘experience’ that the author offers no definition for. Experience is presumed to be universal or objective. The movie “A Beautiful Mind” tells us that experience is completely subjective, and implies that this movie is about someone who has a soul because they experienced the world differently than the rest of us. We know this is not the case for various reasons. The protagonist knows this is not so as well. That is the point of the movie. Perception is not reality. Shared experience is all that we can rely on even if it is not shown to be 100% true.

The main reason they do profess this view is because their atheism induces them to. If one denies God and the human soul, one has to deny other subtle intangible phenomena… or else reduce it to merely physical phenomena. And in doing this, they have denied the existence of these phenomena altogether.

This is flatly false. Denying gods does not require acceptance of materialism, but acceptance of materialism does obliterate any evidence given for gods. Saying that the evidence for gods is not conclusive or is in fact false does not deny the existence of life or love. This author is clearly unaware of those countries where 99% of the people deny the existence of gods. Materialism does not deny the fact of experience, it simply offers a reasonable explanation for it without resorting to magic.

The author of this post is one of those people that has a brain that accepts the basics of reason: A thing happens so there must be a cause, but because they do not understand the cause they assert that magic happens and do so without evidence for such assertions. When you ask them to explain the magic they have nothing because it’s magic.. it just is and they will then assert that actual explanations are not valid because they cannot understand them.

This post is complaining that materialists are wrong because they don’t believe in magic. I argue that accepting that I don’t know everything is more valid.

A Blog You Might Want To Visit – Miracles Afoot

I think that some folk might want to visit the THE LORDS CHIPS as it is an amazing blog. On two separate occasions this blogger has performed miracles. That’s right, miracles. He has made my comments disappear twice without even telling me he would do it. It’s pure magic, a miracle I tell you.

I wonder if he can do the same miracles in your life?


He made the following words disappear from the face of his blog, or maybe he just prevented them from ever showing up. It’s amazing either way.


“…. people like you do nothing but attack a person, or at least attempt to do so but fail.”
Is this not what you have done?

The bible is claimed varyingly to be the inspired word of a god and the inerrant word of a god etc.
Why should such a library need interpretation? Why does it contain so much that is no longer useful, except through interpretation?

Your god could have explained to the bronze age Israelites how to treat pork so that it would not make them sick. He did not. The bible looks exactly like the instructions that a bronze age man would come up with, not a being of infinite knowledge. Your Jesus could have said that slavery is bad and dark skin is not the mark of Cane – he did not. He could have said women are equal etc. – He did not.

As for other religions, you take interpretation of the texts to mean whatever you want it to mean to then say that your book doesn’t say ‘oppress others who do not believe as you do.’ This interpretation is nothing short of you inventing your own doctrine.

“As Christians yes we are suppose to spread the gospels, but we aren’t suppose to shove it down people’s throats like some Christians do.”
Obviously those other ‘christians’ interpret their holy text differently than you do. Which of you is right? Which of you is the false prophet?

“I find that atheists like you have a problem where you view each and every Christian by their title of Christian and you then deem them idiotic hypocrites without even thinking.”
I generally don’t waste time writing to idiotic hypocrites. I wrote to you, so clearly your perception is not as accurate as you think. Willing respectful atheists are not accomodationists. If you wish to learn from atheists, it is probably not the best advice to simply attack them as you seem to be doing here. You certainly do not seem to have learned anything from what I’ve offered.

There is also Ali Baba and the 40 theives. The problem of the source of all the names for the Christ and for your god. The idea that you are okay with there being a few different beliefs about this is indicative that the notion that there are no facts of value in the bible has some merit. There is no singly defined way to interpret the book and no definitive way to know which sect has it right. In short there is no definitive way to know your doctrine or your god. It’s all guess work.

You claim that Christians are not bound by Jewish law and you cited anti-gay scripture from the NT but you still want to use the 10 commandments and other bits from the OT – like the creation story as a prime example. Problematically, the Jesus story fulfills prophecy from the OT.

You do indeed say it’s wrong for people to pick and choose what they want to believe from their holy text, but you do it as well. Your interpretations are exactly that.

If you knew me better you would know that I have no issue with those seeking to find solace and comfort in life in whatever way they choose. I do, however, have a problem with those groups which want to push their dogma into the science classroom and onto the minds of those not able to defend against it. I do oppose those groups who spread hate and bigotry. If you are not one of those types of Christians I can only say ‘my bad’ but you have to understand that there is no definitive way to determine if you are one of the caustic, hateful, bigoted types or some new type of Christian that the world is not used to dealing with yet.

Given your last part, here is a genuine question of seeming relevance. If the OT does not apply to your sect of Christianity, do you believe in the creation story in Genesis? If yes, how do you explain how an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent god let that snake into the garden and then couldn’t find Adam and Eve and did not know what they had done? It will take some interpretation to get a logical answer, I’m sure. While you are at it, could you expound on why there was a Satan available but the story does not say when the god created Satan and the other heavenly hosts.

Your earnest and unquestionable study of the texts, it is hoped, will reveal some way to understand these things that does not further upset my valuation of the story.

miracle - 01142013 - 08:05:20 PM

Stand And Deliver – Or Die

I’ve often said that believers should call out those that speak in the name of their religion who are less than stable, who are in fact nut-jobs. I would not and do not ask anyone to do anything that I would not do. Integrity does not need elitist classes. It is for everyone. This video is calling out the most egregious (currently, there will be others) group of non-believers and their cult like inanity. If you don’t like profanity you shouldn’t be reading my blog. This video includes some profanity which I think is well placed. These people should anger us to the point of using profanity, to the point of having nothing else to say that has any weight. These people are profane in their very existence. They use the term atheism as if it means something other than not believing in gods. They are idiots. Watch the video and know that right here, right now, I’m calling these idiots out as profane abusers of reason. I do not like them. As I have said many times before, I speak for no other and no other speaks for me. Just the same, let me be clear, atheism plus and its cohorts are idiots who should not be thought of as speaking for anyone but the mentally deficient.

I am an equalist. Equality is not easy, it is not cheap, and it will be painful for all involved including myself. These atheism plus people want only to get their own way at your expense. They are bad people. Yes, I’m an equalist, and that means that idiots have rights… it keeps me up at night, but it is something that must be. The value of reasoned argument is the key to valued society. In this harsh light such idiots are left to rot.

Enjoy this video… it calls out the current crop of idiots who think they can use my atheism as a platform for their bigotry. Fuck them. Yes, I said that. Feel free to hate them as much as I do. wheeeeeeee

That Was Fantastically Boring!

As I saw elsewhere, Great! Now I can’t trust a thing those Mayan’s say!

Another end of the world has come and gone and the only real difference is that I don’t have as much money as I did yesterday. There are no words for how boring this has been.


The predictions made

News reports flail failed stories

Boredom destroys Earth