Take Care The Smallest Things

We Drink Because We’re Poets has another challenge. Consider the gauntlet on the floor. The challenge, you ask?

Dedicate a piece to that which inspires you.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  Are you inspired by your pets?  Your children?  The love of your life?  The feel of a cool breeze on your skin?

What makes you want to create?

Oddly, this is not one that I have any doubts about. Let me explain…

When a person gets up each morning, dresses for work
Spends their day giving all they have just to earn a penny
Then goes home and gives it all away to those they adore

When the hardships of life, fail to stop life from being and smiling
There is no triumph more profound than surviving against the odds
Of smiling at everyone from your wheelchair
Of knowing they all think you couldn’t have survived

In the fresh evening air, a butterfly spreads its wings for the first time
Looking up into the night, seeing billions of years old light
It shakes its head and thinks “I’m hungry”

A small child toddles too close, falls in the pool
A panicked father jumps in without a thought
Sitting on the side, the child cries ‘weeee let’s do it some more’
Laying his dripping phone aside, the father smiles and says ‘sure’

There is no triumph when there is no risk
Life assures us the chance, it’s the pin in the prick
Eat or be eaten is not some magician’s trick
Take heed the small triumphs, every last one
They’re the only prize life offers to be won

Smiles come easy, so it seems for a dog
Till you remember how important you are
For him you are the hunter and leader
You, to him, are what you desire of life

Such flashes of experience, fleeting in feel
The last longer if you focus and live them
Those small moments are what is real but
We remain alone while we don’t share them

Take care the smallest things
The rest is just imagry
Take care the smallest things
Turn the I into the we

    • preacherontheweb
    • February 25th, 2014

    Interesting – I like it!

    • preacher, good to see you are still here, and I’m happy that you liked it. I’m not all evil

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